🏔challenge: “I want to make moves within my company for greater inclusivity but I’m not sure where to start. Any suggestions?” – mission-minded marketer
✨opportunity: Being an ally requires more than good intentions…it requires action. Here are some steps to get started >>
- Do the work. This means, be educated and show up personally to the endless journey that is called becoming a better human. And remember, for your work to be sustainable, it has to come from a personal place of commitment. Know your why!
- Advocate for change. What’s within your personal sphere of influence? Make change there. For marketers, this means reviewing your brand purpose, people, practices, and power for inclusion (Flourish’s four elements of brand inclusion!)
- Think systemically. Education only goes so far… systemic change can create even more impact. Identify what areas need systemic change, and build relationships with key leaders to start making it happen. Relational trust is the key to change.
Thanks for showing up. Your work matters, but even more so, you matter. Always remember that.
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