I’m hoping to plan and level up my brand efforts next year, any advice?

Nov 5, 2021

🏔challenge: “I’m hoping to plan and level up my brand efforts next year, but I’m not sure where to start. Any advice?” — comms manager

opportunity: Yes, it’s hard to believe next year will be right around the corner. At year end, many folks have planning on their mind. Here are few first steps >>

> Ask “What is going well?” Many times, we don’t need a major re-shift in strategy to maximize growth. Look at what has gone well this year. Celebrate the wins. Do more of that.

> Ask “What can I stop?” Just as importantly, knowing what isn’t going well is key. You probably already have a gut feeling about this, but it’s still helpful to put pen to paper and write it down. This will give you a chance to say goodbye and let go of any strategies you really loved … but didn’t work.

> Think about your timeframes. Often we feel the pressure to create an 12-month plan. Looking big picture at a year can be very helpful when you have specific seasons for your business or organization. Additionally, examine how you can be more agile throughout the year. We love the book “The 12 Week Year.” Shorten your timeframes. Be nimble. Iterate.

During this month of gratitude, know that we are grateful for each of you. Thanks for being a friend of Flourish. We’re grateful for this small but mighty and resilient community we are building.

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