Sep 22, 2021

Strategy – Planning for Q4

It’s true — Q4 is just around the corner. The end-of-year pace is about to pick up, so now is the time to plan ahead. Seize the moment with our top 3 tips to prepare for Q4 >>

1. Check in with your goals

If we’ve learned anything from the past two years, it’s that nothing is certain. Perhaps you set your Q4 goals in January with the best of intentions, but things have shifted. Now is the time to re-evaluate. Whats working well? What do you want to lean more into? What needs to be cut? Everything starts with goals, and being realistic is key. 

If you’re an entrepreneur, this may look like narrowing in on your offers for year end. Be sure your offers are solving real, specific problems for your Brand Connectors, and you’ll be set up for success. 

For our nonprofit friends, year-end means fundraising season. Check in with your fundraising goals and development partners. Ensure that your messaging and campaigns are on track. Be nimble and ready to adapt for whatever 2021 tries to throw at us. 

2. Plan to thrive 

Now that your goals are re-adjusted and solidified, it’s time to create or adjust your plan. We’re big fans of planning, because it saves you time, energy and resources every time. What are the assets you’ll need? What’s the budget? What approval, if any, needs to be secured? What deadlines do you have? 

Again, the key to all of this is to be realistic, and hone in on the brand building activities that will achieve your goals. Put your plan in a place that will motivate and encourage you (and your team if you have one!). 

3. Create now

So, you have your goals, you have your plan … now it’s time to create! Get to work and get ahead as much as you possibly can. Depending on your plan, time may be on your side. Utilize this time to be strategic and create polished campaigns. Work ahead as much as possible. Your year-end self will thank you! 😊


So there you go – our three simple tips to get ahead for Q4. This year, let’s replace stress with resilience, and be proud of all that we accomplish.  🎉

Check out our 5 tips to set healthy digital boundaries!



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