How can my non-religious organization stay inclusive around the holidays?

Dec 3, 2021

🏔challenge: We are a non-religious organization, and I’m struggling with what to post around the holidays. We want to be inclusive, but maybe it’s better just to not post anything?

opportunity: Kudos to you for caring and growing inclusivity with your brand. Know there is no magic formula or “right way” to approach this. Be sure to loop in your leadership or other stakeholders in these decisions. Here are a few practical tips >>

Send wishes for those who celebrate. A simple way to be inclusive can be to say “[insert holiday], sending our best wishes for all who celebrate during this holiday season.”

Embrace what’s authentic to your organization. Don’t shy away from celebrating holidays that are meaningful to your org, your community and staff! Be authentic to your brand. As we mentioned in our blog, capture the spirit of gathering, celebrating love and kindness.

Post on all the holidays. Sharing a simple message around each of the holidays is a way to recognize each tradition.

I hope this is a helpful jumping off point for your brand’s holiday messages. Again, there is no right/wrong way to celebrate the magic of the holiday season! Let us know in the comments if you have any holiday tips!

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