🏔challenge: I lead a team who is all remote. I am struggling with how to create a fun and collaborative work environment while everyone is still so isolated at work. Can you help? – mission-minded leader
✨opportunity: All-remote teams are the new normal. We all want to be the best leaders we can be, and there are unique challenges with this set up. Here are our tips >>
- Ask your team members. What might be “fun & collaborative” for you, may not be for your team. Ask for what they need! (and, likewise, share what you need, too.) Invest in getting to know your team members’ personalities and preferences. This background knowledge will help you in understanding how to approach conversations and meetings. (At Flourish, we use the Predictive Index with Vaxa Collective.)
- Set expectations. Clear is kind. Be clear about what communication looks like (ie: slack is used for informal comms, if we need a larger discussion, let’s hop on a zoom). Miscommunication is the root of so many conflicts and hurts. Know that virtual comms is different, and plan your strategies accordingly.
- Schedule social time. It’s too easy to crank out work in insolation. Set aside specific time to just socialize – no work project conversations allowed!
All of these tips can be transferred to remote clients as well. At Flourish, we partner with clients across the country, and understanding how to communicate best with each team is our top priority.
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